
Public value creation mechanisms in the context of public service logic: an integrated conceptual framework

The mainstream public management theories have failed to incorporate public services as a fundamental part of the public administration system. That failure does a disservice to the potential of public services to address societal betterment through the creation of public value, which can strengthen democracy.

Our paper presents an integrated conceptual framework to help make sense of the public value creation flows in the context of politics (encompassing public policy and public service goal attainment) and public service outcomes. We suggest there are four flows creating public value. These four mechanisms run from (1) intended service usefulness for service users, (2) the practice of public leadership in the context of public services, (3) human-centred co-design and co-creation practices and (4) the value-in-use perspective in the eyes of the beholder, that is, concerning the service users. See more here.